Greetings Dear Souls,
I know that many of you love animals, and I have been writing a book to help people when a beloved animal companion is no longer with us. It is often a grief that is heart-wrenching. I have worked with so many people to help them at this time, and I have decided to put excerpts from the book on my blog, which I will begin posting here. These excerpts are from my unfinished book, with 2 possible yet undecided titles. "Animals in Transition - Love, Loss and Grief” or, "When My Pet Crosses the Rainbow Bridge”. Please note that this material is copyrighted. Why This Loss is So Painful Mr. Max and I had the same routine every morning. The alarm would go off, and he would fly from his perch to the lower right corner of my bed. As I awakened I would immediately look at his landing spot. One morning he was not there. I felt my heart racing, knowing that something was terribly wrong. Jumping out of bed in a panic I searched for my dear friend, and finally found him off in a corner dying. While my worst nightmare was in progress I begged, pleaded, prayed and of course called the vet. There was nothing he could do. The trauma and shock of the loss was compounded by the reactions of a girlfriend, who could not understand why I was unable to attend a planned workshop the following day. Then there was the boyfriend, asking me not to cry while we were eating out, because what would everyone think. This story feels like the perfect way to begin, for it illustrates the emotions that accompany our grief. It also shows how reactions from our friends and loved ones can sometimes intensify our grief and suffering, or leave us feeling even more alone. At the very least these reactions can result in feeling unsupported or simply not understood. There are many wonderful people whose animal companions have transitioned. Yet not all of them feel the loss that is akin to a close family member passing, a loss that leaves us with a huge empty void. We are all different in how we experience and handle grief, just as we are different in the significance of our relationship with an animal. So why are these losses of our dear companions so devastatingly painful to some of us? There are many reasons, and you could quite possibly add to these. Animals have the ability to give us unconditional love. They also have an innocence about them, and require our care, love and attention to thrive. Our animal friends are, in many ways, like young children. For many of us they are our family. They may be the ones with whom we share our deepest thoughts and feelings, knowing that we will never be judged. We can truly be ourselves with them in ways that may not feel safe or comfortable with people. They have the ability to touch a place deep within our heart and soul. There is great love within me for my father, who crossed over a number of years ago. It was difficult for him to express his love and gentle side. However, it is with great appreciation that I remember the tenderness he would shower on his beloved dogs. I am grateful that I was able to witness that. "Grief never ends....But it changes. It's a passage, not a place to stay. Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith....It is the price of love." ~ Author unknown If you need assistance for coping with grief of losing your pet, I am here for you. Many Blessings to all of you. I truly hope you are safe and well! P.S. If you have a story related to this book you are welcome to submit it to me for possible inclusion in the book. Please text me if you decide to do that.
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